Concord’s Food, Farm and Garden Fair
This Weekend!
August has ended, and summer is on the wane, but our crop variety and abundance are on the increase. Summer crops (apart from cucumbers) like corn, tomatoes, eggplant and peppers are still coming on strong, with the late summer/early fall veggies like broccoli, winter squash, potatoes, turnips and cauliflower beginning to make appearances. Also, we’ve begun picking what should be an enormous apple crop!
Just a reminder that this weekend, September 9th and 10th, is the annual Concord Food, Farm and Garden Fair, which begins on Saturday with the 12th annual Ag Day market in downtown Concord. Hutchins Farm will be represented, along with about ten additional Concord farms and a variety of local organizations that promote agriculture. Ag Day will run from 10 AM to 2 PM right on Main St., which will be closed from the roundabout to Walden St. Come on down and see the bounty Concord has to offer!
Because of the Ag Day market, this week we will not be attending our usual Saturday market at Union Square, Somerville. Our apologies to our Somerville customers! We will be back next week (September 16th)
The Farm and Garden Fair continues with garden tours on Saturday afternoon-get information online at or at the Garden Club table at Ag Day. Then on Sunday, a number of Concord farms will be hosting farm tours-a tour of Hutchins Farm led by our vegetable production manager, Dan Kamen, will begin at 1 PM Sunday September 10th. No signups are necessary, just show up at the farm stand before the tour begins. Tours require walking on rough (dusty) farm roads and may include encounters with unfriendly weeds and stinging insects-good footwear is suggested, and folks with allergies to bees or wasps should take appropriate precautions.
Hope to see you soon!
-The Hutchins Farm team

From left to right: Ag Day 2013, gala apples, cherry tomatoes, Ag Day 2016
Concord’s Food, Farm and Garden Fair – This Weekend!