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Author : Liza

Concord Ag Day is tomorrow!

Concord Ag Day is tomorrow! We will be down in Concord center right on Main Street for the annual farmers’ market: 10am to 2pm. Please come by and say hello to us, and our fellow Concord farmers! If you can’t make it, the farm stand is open usual hours 11am – 6pm. Our apologies to […]

Around the farm 8/24/13

Why is the field crew reading “Self Magazine”? Former crew member Andrea Bemis’ cooking blog is featured in the September issue!  Check out her recipes at Self Magazine, and on her blog

Hutchins Farm 2013 August Newsletter

The middle of August marks, roughly, the middle of the growing season in this part of the world. The sun is still hot and high, the days still long, but they are shorter than they were in the heady days of late June when all things seemed possible, when the unfolding summer seemed as bright […]

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