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End of Season Newsletter – November 2016

The drought didn’t end with the summer, but gloomy, chilly weather and periodic rains have brightened our outlook considerably. Our steps are a bit lighter as we can discern the outlines of the end of the season coming closer, mercifully closer each day. Signs and portents are everywhere: frost on the shadowy grass before the […]

August 2016 Newsletter – Tomatoes are here!

Part of my job description at the farm I worked at before Hutchins involved giving occasional farm tours to various groups of people. These tours were generally off the cuff, unscripted affairs with questions entertained and answers attempted. On one particularly memorable occasion I was asked where I lived, which I answered by pointing to […]

March Newsletter 2016

With the weather wildly careening from warm to wintery, the calendar tells us it’s time to think about the growing season. Already, we’ve taken advantage of the dry, temperate weather to get some fields worked up, and our greenhouses are starting to fill with eager little plants. Last year’s persistent lack of precipitation means that […]

November 2015 Newsletter

I’m writing on a gray November day, with the 2015 season mostly behind us-just a few loose ends left to tie, a few projects left to complete, a few markets left to attend, a few veggies left to sell. And, of course, this newsletter left to write, a summing up and synopsis of the growing […]

10th Annual Concord “Ag” Day

Just a reminder that this weekend is the Concord Farm and Garden Fair, which begins with the 10th annual “Ag” Day farmers’ market in downtown Concord. Hutchins Farm will be represented, along with about ten additional Concord farms and a variety of local organizations that promote agriculture. Ag Day will run from 10 AM to […]

August 2015 Newsletter

The dry fever of July has broken to cool, damp August mornings that seem already to whisper of autumn—but tomatoes, which to some (me) are the very emblem and embodiment of summer, are just now beginning to be abundant. In fact, apart from peas, basil, strawberries and blueberries, all now lamentably done for the year, […]

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