view in may


Hutchins Farm November Newsletter

We have finally crossed that invisible, magical line from the ‘season’ to the ‘off-season’.  Each year, we step over with a confusing combination of reluctance, regret, and relief.  Although we are blessed with productive land, reasonably moderate weather, an energetic and enthusiastic crew, and useful and appropriate equipment, the stress of keeping up season-long production […]

Carrot Ginger Soup

This recipe is a favorite of ours when the weather gets cold (or cold-ish as the case may be lately…) It’s super easy too! Carrot Ginger Soup by Myra Goodman in her cookbook Food to Live By 2 tbs canola oil (or olive oil) 1 small yellow onion, coarsely chopped 1 piece (3 inches long) […]

Andrea’s Fusion Coleslaw

We’ve gotten a few requests to throw this recipe online- so here you go! Andrea’s Fusion Coleslaw (adapted from Food to Live By by Myra Goodman) Ingredients: 2 cups shredded red cabbage 1 cup shredded green cabbage 2 large carrots coarsely grated 1/3 cup thin strips of scallion greens 1 jalapeno pepper, cut into slivers […]

Prepping for winter, and next year!

Cover crops are important- we need them to maintain our soil’s nutrients over the winter, protect our soil from erosion, and to build nutrients and organic matter for next year! Planting cover crops- a winter rye and hairy vetch mix winter rye and hairy vetch planted a few weeks ago a clover and winter rye […]

Apple pies available on Saturday!

This Saturday we will have Concord’s own Pam Palumbo Templeton from Pies from Kitchens Past selling her old fashioned apple pies made from Hutchins Farm’s apples. They will be made with all organic ingredients! Pam comes from a longtime Concord farming family- you may remember her father Joe and her uncle Frank from Palumbo Farm […]

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