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Around the farm, March 2015

March 12th – We might still be covered in snow, but the prop house is humming with the early signs of spring! March 19th – The master at work – John pruning the liberty apples. Nice day out in the orchard – a lot less windy than yesterday! March 25th – Baby Thyme in the […]

Around the farm, January 2015

January 8th – Time to start thinking about 2015 farmers’ markets… The Central Square annual farmers meeting is today- nice to see all our fellow farmers looking a little more rested than usual! January 28th – Well, we got some snow… Time to dig out! Hope everyone is safe and warm! January 28th

Around the farm, November 2014

November 2nd: It’s starting to snow?! Last day of the farmstand this season. November 3rd: Pictured above is some of the fall crew, a heartfelt thank you to all of our spring, summer and fall crews: Sarah, Colin, Ronnie, Conor, Abby, Ellen, Katie, Danielle, Cassandra, Phil, Ramon, Ryan, Patrick, Sam A., Sam N., Caroline, Matt, […]

November Newsletter

Autumn’s pageant has already passed, leaving drifts of red, yellow and orange confetti as evidence of that somber parade, only to disappear promptly into the bellies of makeshift plywood box trucks.  Fall in New England, once signaled by the tang of smoke from burning piles of leaves, the gentle sound of raking, morning frost and […]

Around the farm, October 2014

October 1st, Chili peppers for a chilly day October 4th, Popcorn picking time! October 8th, It might be October, but shockingly we’re still picking cherry tomatoes! October 14th, Feels like spring today! The spinach agrees… October 18th, Bliss and Sunday Sweet Squashes October 21st, Closing date it near (and farming puns are still with us…) October […]

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